More in depth information available in delegate handbook

Upon arrival to SIMUN XXIII, delegates will be welcomed in through the Walsh Garden Entrance on Roosevelt Road by SIMUN team members. Parking is available in the Saint Ignatius student lot, directly West of the main building. After being led inside, advisors must check their teams in at our registration desk which will be positioned in the Link, prior to entering the gymnasium for opening ceremonies. Registration fees can be paid day-of at the registration desk via cash or check, checks must be made out to “Saint Ignatius College Prep.”

All delegates must report to the Gentile Gym at the time of opening ceremonies, and will be dismissed in orderly fashion to committee rooms. Committee chairs will lead delegates from location to location due to the size of the school (with that said we urge delegates to make sure they follow closely with their chairs to not get lost)

Lunch sessions will be staggered to accommodate for over 1000 delegates, and ensure all delegates get adequate time to eat in between committee sessions, all scheduling can be viewed here, and specific lunch blocks are viewable in the delegate handbook.

All committee sessions will end at the same time, and delegates must proceed back to the Gentile Gym for closing ceremonies, where the announcement of awards will take place.

Individual awards for SIMUN are done at the discretion of committee chairs, and vary in quantity based on committee type and size. Chairs have the right to disqualify delegates from awards contention for any reason they see fit, and disqualifications may affect a delegates team in terms of delegation awards.


All general assemblies and hybrid committees will be heavily encouraged to use technology (laptops, mac books, ipads, etc.) for the writing for working and resolution papers. Delegates may not use there technology outside of time designated by their committee chairs, primarily being used exclusively during unmoderated caucuses. Delegates may not edit or work on such documents during any break or lunch period under any circumstances.

For crisis committees, DELEGATES ARE REQUIRED to bring technology with Google Docs accessible, for the purpose of digital crisis notes. Crisis notes will be written and responded to in a traditional crisis manner, simply done via docs for efficiency sake. More information about crisis committee specifics can be found in the Crisis Delegate Handbook